Feb 15 2023

Cyber Dawg

Seem phishy? How to Know if You Clicked a Phishing Link…

The Warning Signs You Should Look Out For: How to Identify a Phishing Link

So, you think you may have clicked a phishing link that’s been sent to your inbox? Well, don’t worry – it is not the end of the world! Or is it?! Just kidding. It’s all good – there’s a reason pencils have erasers. I mean rubbers. Too much American television for me.

If you’re suspicious of a link, you should be proactive and recognize the warning signs of a phishing link. It’s important to educate yourself on the techniques attackers use to fool people into clicking malicious links.

Look for irregularities like an unusual URL, unexpected requests for personal information, or warnings from your browser – all of these could be indications that something is amiss. Additionally, pay attention to directing domains and signs of typos and grammatical errors in the link itself.

When in doubt, take the extra step to type the URL manually into your browser instead of clicking the link! Knowing the warning signs of a phishing link can help keep your information secure and safe.

Is That Really an Email From the MD?

No way! It just can’t be an email from the Managing Director!! No way could they keep up with all the emails they have to send… right? We’d have to double-check. But wait, why would the MD be contacting you?? That would be too wild! And let’s be honest, it’s highly unlikely that the email is really from the bossman.

It’s surely a prank, or a scam, or something like that. Ahhhh, the suspense: it’s both thrilling and frustrating at the same time!

That’s an “Emailsception”: Check for Grammar and Punctuation

If it’s an emailsception, it’s time to double check your grammar and punctuation! Little known fact: some of the most prolific email fumblers are actually English professors! But that doesn’t mean you should be too hard on yourself when it comes to grammar and punctuation! Mistakes happen, and the important thing is that you go back and review your emails before you hit send. It might just save you the embarrassment of sending an email that’s filled with awkward phrasing and punctuation errors.

So, when it comes to emails, it’s always best to check, double check, and triple check for mistakes. After all, emailsception can be a problem for even the most seasoned grammar gurus!

How to Spot the 2FA Authorization Scam

It’s easy to become wise to the 2FA Authorization Scam if you’re able to spot it. Here’s how: Firstly, look for messages from a sender you don’t know or don’t recognize.

An email address or number that looks like it is from someone legitimate, but is actually just a copycat, is a sign that it’s likely a scam. Secondly, look for persuasive messages that urge you to give away personal information such as your credit card or account details.

In the age of the internet, it’s all too easy to lose sight of basic security procedures and scam yourself out of your money. Lastly, if the message seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Never trust an offer that promises big rewards with no effort, as it might be a cleverly designed scam. Keep your wits about you and never give away personal information to any unchecked source.

URL Analysis: Inquisitively Investigate Suspicious Links

URL Analysis is an important step to protect against malicious activity online. It allows us to inquisitively investigate suspicious links before taking action.

Pulling together a variety of metrics and info, an analysis can help establish the legitimacy of links. In some cases, even identifying links that could be actively exploiting users.

Additionally, URL Analysis can help detect compromised websites, uncover sites pushing malware, and more. No wonder more and more users are taking a closer look at URLs!

The Clickbait with Malicious Intent

The age of clickbait has descended upon us. We are inundated by maliciously intended clickbait on a daily basis, with headlines like “You Won’t Believe What Happened Next” and “You Won’t Believe Who is Responsible”.

Clickbait with malicious intent lures us in with the promise of sensationalism and tantalizing titles, only to lead us down a rabbit hole of dangerous false information. So before clicking on those flashy headlines, think twice—and take a big step away from potential deception and manipulation!

Your Connection To The Web of Lies

You have come to the crossroads of truth and lies. It’s a tangled web, and your connection to it could prove to be quite tricky.

On the one side, you find yourself dutifully believing what you read online. You think the internet is a source of trustworthy, reliable information.

On the other, a kernel of doubt and healthy skepticism admonishes you to question the validity of what’s presented before you. From here, it’s up to you to discover the hidden truths and avoid this web of lies.

Just don’t forget to thank your lucky stars that the search engines you use help you weave your way through – and don’t take life (or the internet) too seriously.

If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is…Phish!

When it comes to outrageous, fantastical stories, it’s often wise to remain skeptical. If what you’re hearing seems too good to be true, it’s probably because it is.

Unfortunately, this can apply to the wonderful, often wacky world of Phish. Granted, everything from their psychedelic jams and peaceful melodies is amazing.

But there’s one thing about the band that should be taken with the proverbial grain of salt: their tall tales. Phish rumors abound, and though some of them are absolutely true, many of them are just that – tall tales.

In short, “If it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably Phish” – and that should always be taken with great discernment.

Secure Your Cyber Future with Gone Phishing: Understanding and Identifying Phishing Links

Gone Phishing, the ultimate Cybersecurity newsletter, can help you figure out if you clicked a phishing link! With its sharp wit and tongue-in-cheek explanations, it won’t take you long to know if you’ve been taken for a ride. Its step-by-step instructions on how to identify phishing links quickly and accurately will teach you how to avoid being taken in.

Thanks for all the Phish!

Well, there you have it: if you think you’ve clicked a malicious link, you better act fast! However, don’t let paranoia get the best of you; it’s possible that you were the victim of a tightrope walking, chocolate loving, space commuting phishing link…but maybe not. Who knows? All you can do is try on your special bunny slippers, take a leap of faith, and see what happens next.

Good luck out there and stay safe!